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Team Continental

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Team Continental was formed in 1957. There were eight founding members, all of whom were employees of Continental Motors which was then located at 19th and Morrison in Portland, Oregon.

The founding members were sports car enthusiasts and most of them owned race cars. The group joined the newly founded International Conference of Sports Car Clubs. Initially Team Continental was entered into the International Conference of Sports Car Clubs as an affiliate member.

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3 weeks ago

Team Continental

Volunteer Fair for PIR. Learn how you can take part and help in putting on the races at PIR.The 2025 race season at Portland International Raceway (PIR) will be here before we know it. Volunteers get the best seat in the house for Oregon Region SCCA, Cascade Sports Car Club, NTT INDYCAR SERIES, NASCAR , Rose Cup Races - A Friends of PIR Event, and so much more!

There are many volunteer opportunities available each race weekend and they will teach you everything you need to know:

Flags and Communication: The eyes and ears of the drivers.

Safety and Incident Response: Aid the drivers during an incident on track.

Tech Inspection: Make sure cars and safety gear are track ready.

Pre-Grid: Stage race cars prior to going on track and monitor pit lane.

Crossing guard: Open track crossing gate between race sessions. Communicate with race control via radio.

Sound: Ensure the event is adhering to the noise policy by monitoring sound readings and noting violations.

Timing and Scoring: Keep track of lap times and running order

Registration: Check in and assist drivers for an event

PIR, Oregon SCCA and Cascade Sports Car Club are teaming up once again to host a Volunteer Fair on March 22nd from 9-11am where you can learn more about volunteering.

More info at:

#FOPIR #portlandinternationalraceway #portlandoregon #scca #cscc #nascar #orscca #ThankYouVolunteers #TheDash #rosecupraces Race Portland

Volunteer Fair for PIR.  Learn how you can take part and help in putting on the races at PIR.
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Friend of PIR
Oregon Raceway
99 West Trailers